June 30, 2019
Like many of us, Columbia Business School just wants to be loved. For a successful candidate that means making it clear to CBS that it is your first (and possibly only) choice for business school, and that you possess the leadership qualities to succeed. If this is you – and you want the best chance…
May 22, 2019
*** This post shares deadlines and essays from a past admissions cycle. Click here to view our collection of required essay prompts for the 2020-2021 admissions season and visit our Application Deadlines page for important dates. *** The schools are listed in the order they appear on US News & World Report’s 2020 Best Business…
April 14, 2019
As a prospective MBA applicant, you’re likely getting a lot of emails in your inbox from MBA programs inviting you to information sessions, webinars and MBA tours. Depending on where you are in the application process (just exploring versus applying this year), you may have different goals for the event. It’s important to engage with…
March 15, 2019
As a prospective MBA applicant, you’re likely getting a lot of emails in your inbox inviting you to MBA fairs or tours in your city. These events gather together admissions officers, deans and alumni from dozens of top MBA programs so applicants can learn about a large number of schools in one afternoon or evening….
September 21, 2018
For most qualified MBA applicants, the difference between getting accepted or getting dinged usually comes down to a compelling Personal Statement. There is no denying that solid numbers can help your application be considered – but it definitely does not guarantee acceptance. While a 500 GMAT or a 2.5 GPA will most likely raise the…
August 22, 2018
I’ve been fortunate to have returned to Kellogg twice in the past 2 months, once for my 25th year Kellogg MBA reunion and once as part of the AIGAC (Association of International Graduate Admissions Consultants) Conference where Kellogg hosted us to learn even more about their outstanding portfolio of MBA programs. If you have not…
August 22, 2018
Updated for the 2019-20 admissions season. It’s an exciting time to apply to The Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth. Tuck has always been transparent in the application process, providing the keys to success to all applicants who look for them. True to form, Tuck has released new admission criteria clearly explaining what they are…
August 22, 2018
Booth has made a couple of changes in its application this year. The major change is that it dropped the image prompt essay from years past. This allows applicants to focus specifically on their relationship as they see how it relates to the school and to be more direct rather than creative in their responses….
August 22, 2018
Updated for the 2020-2021 admissions cycle. Through this ‘essay’ Fuqua wants to understand how you plan to better the Fuqua community. In your own unique way, the Admissions Committee is trying to get an idea of how you will show Authentic Engagement throughout your time at Fuqua. 1. Authenticity is Key. The Admissions Committee is…
August 22, 2018
While UNC Kenan-Flagler’s Full Time MBA application has gone live for the 2018/2019 season with slightly different essay questions, the key things that UNC Kenan-Flagler is looking for does not appear to have changed. If anything, the change to the second question about providing an example of how you upheld a core value gives UNC…
August 22, 2018
Updated for the 2019-2020 admissions season Long-feared for the nebulous nature of the essay prompt and its required creativity, Cornell’s Table of Contents essay — where you were expected to boil down your life into chapter headings as for a book – has been replaced with a new essay prompt that is … nebulous and…
August 22, 2018
It’s a new year for MBA admissions and there are updated Haas essays! And a new opportunity to share how your path has shaped you. While it may appear that Haas has reduced its word count, the addition of a new type of optional essay gives you an opportunity to tell a different part of…